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Specializirani, butični studio za ilustracijo in animacijo v čarobni deželi slovenski.

Naš paradni konj je ideja, katere svežino zagotavljamo z vsakodnevno otroško igrivostjo in vekomaj zvedavimi očmi.

Kadar ne ustvarjamo, se pasemo po spletu, borimo z morskimi valovi, drvimo po belih strminah, osvajamo vrhove ali tavamo med oblaki v objemu glasbe.

Naše ideje so konglomerati navdiha pridobljenega ob raznolikih izkušnjah, zato se najbolje prevedejo v ilustrirane in animirane digitalne izdelke, saj mnogokrat presegajo zmogljivosti ostalih medijev in zakonitosti fizičnega sveta.

V naših izdelkih vedno pustimo delček sebe, zato delo jemljemo resno.
Želimo, da je naša zapuščina kvalitetna.

Naša ekipa posebnežev pripada generaciji Interneta, zato lahko od nas pričakujete hiter odgovor in seznanjenost z novostmi s področja tehnologije in kulture.


"Working with ANIMANI animation studio was a joy, pleasure and something completely new for our company. WINTHERWAX animated movie was a great challenge for both sides with a lot of complex details which were professionally solved by the ANIMANI team. The result is a brilliant piece of artwork appreciated by many people around the world."

Aleš Ugovšek
Aleš Ugovšek Vodja projektov, M-Sora

"This serie of mini lectures is produced for in our app called BOKS!. We were searching for a good way to provide this information to our clients. These short and powerful videos are a great result! Animani found a way to present the most valuable information in a fun and compact way. We love the video design which is in line with our company branding."

Geert van der Linden
Geert van der Linden Community & Creative director, Nudge

"We wanted an animation video along our True Cost of Food campaign since this is the ideal way to get difficult content in an easy to consume way. In this way we are able to explain this to a broad audience. Text would have been to long. The video created by Animani meets all our expectation and we’ve received a lot of positive response. The script has impact, is concrete with strong content and is amazingly translated into video and audio. We can recommend this tailor made product with a great price/quality ratio. The sphere of the video is great and created with a lot of creativity. We happily recommend Animani to anyone who wants to explain a complex message in a practical way…"

Michaël Wilde
Michaël Wilde Sustainability & Communications Manager, Nature & More